“Happy New Year!” These words bring hope. Beginnings. New opportunities. Motivation. A chance to start again. Dreams. As a new…
build your marriage
Do you have a friend whose marriage is in trouble? You want to “be there” for them, but what does…
Thirty-six hours ago Russia invaded Ukraine. Estimations are that up to 70% of those in Ukraine are Christians. Our hearts…
According to marriage expert John Gottman, criticism is one of the best predictors of divorce. This doesn’t mean that everyone…
How to partner together to alleviate stress’ impact You are a team. You’ve been joined through a covenant of marriage….
Questions to grow closer in your marriage Have you unlocked all of your spouse’s thoughts, insights, ideas, and dreams? We…
Kindness and compassion are often desired and forgotten in the dailyness of marriage. Life gets busy. We may answer our spouse sharply.
How would you describe what it is like to be around a consistently negative person? The kind of person who longs for rain on a sunny day and for whom the glass is always half empty.
What do you do when your spouse annoys you? Do you just put up with it? Do you nag them about it?