“I’m so stressed!” Have you ever said those words to your spouse? We have! Stress is a natural and recurrent…
The #1 reason most people marry is love according to Pew Research. Many people have a healthy marriage that lasts…
Thirty-six hours ago Russia invaded Ukraine. Estimations are that up to 70% of those in Ukraine are Christians. Our hearts…
How to spiritually nurture young children Little children are so inquisitive about life, aren’t they? There is a sense of…
How to partner together to alleviate stress’ impact You are a team. You’ve been joined through a covenant of marriage….
4 questions to test how encouraging you really are Recently we were visiting our good friends, Tom and Sara. Sara…
How To Bring “More” Into Your Marriage! Fasting for your marriage is a powerful way to bring God’s power into…
At a recent Build Your Marriage® conference we were asked, “What is the ONE THING you would advise couples to do to protect their marriage?”