In the history of the couples with whom we’ve worked, and in our own marriage, the health and vitality of the marital relationship rises and falls on how central this one perspective is in a couple’s marriage.
Brad & Heidi Mitchell
A runner focuses ahead in a race, anticipating the finish line. A golfer anticipates where the ball is going. Businesses have plans by which they operate for the future.
This isn’t a pleasant topic to write about, but if each of us addresses this with a focused, dogged commitment it can transform our marriages.
How often do the two of you get away for at least one night—just the two of you? We believe taking exclusive time away can be life-giving and inject your marriage with renewed connection and intimacy.
What habits form your life? In the course of most people’s average day, a huge percentage of decisions aren’t decisions at all, but actually habits.
Recently Brad was asked by a friend, “What are the two or three top habits of a highly effective husband?”
Have you ever agonized over whether or not to change jobs? How did you process it as a couple?
You are on this site, reading, tweeting, and liking the posts because you want to improve your marriage and help others do the same, right? Good for you!
We are often alert to different trouble cues in our lives, aren’t we? When our car struggles to start or brakes begin to squeal, we know there’s a problem.
When our three children were little we worked with them on their table manners. Keep your elbows off the table. Don’t talk with food in your mouth. Don’t interrupt.