When our children were young, they would invariably show their dark side and cause some infraction toward one another.
Brad & Heidi Mitchell
When we were dating we had a kissing contest with another couple who is now on the board of Build Your Marriage.
Have you ever said something and had your spouse totally misunderstand what you were trying to say? And then they responded based on what they THINK they heard, but it was all wrong?
In order to build your marriage, you must be committed to being intentional. A good marriage doesn’t just happen over time, it is cultivated.
It was St. Francis of Assisi who prayed, “Grant that I may not so much seek to be understood, as to understand….” This simple prayer and perspective would prevent a majority of conflicts in marriage.
Do you want to communicate but can’t? Is it tough to connect and get into their heart? Do these communication scenarios sound familiar? “I just can’t seem to get through!
Welcome to the Build Your Marriage blog! We believe that God has called us to provide insights, wisdom, counsel, and Biblical foundations for married men and women.