When we were married in 1983 it was nearly 100 degrees outside. Inside the church building, every member of the wedding party (including us!) was dripping with sweat.
What does it take to make each day count in your marriage? It’s easy in the busyness of life to let things slide by, to relegate what matters most to the shadows of our lives and let the tyranny of the urgent rule.
Ravi Zacharias writes, “Love is hard work. It is the hardest work I know of, work from which you are never entitled to take a vacation.”
As we raised our three children there were numerous times when they needed a boost of confidence from us. They trusted what we said because we knew them the best.
We have recently been astounded at how many couples we know who are choosing to end their marriage. Are you seeing the same thing? It is breaking our hearts.
Little things matter. Missing one ingredient in a cake can make all the difference between a mess and a masterpiece. One number off on a combination lock and it stays locked.
In 2015 I (Brad) was with a team of 11 others from our church on a missions trip to the jungles of Guatemala. We went to work with Faith in Action Ministries founded and led by Michael and Rocky Beene.
Treasure. Pirates searched for it. Scavenger’s scour oceans for it. Bruno Mars sang about it. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote about it. Jesus taught about it.
Has your spouse ever assumed the worst of you? Have you ever assumed the worst of your spouse? Hardly a marriage escapes this happening at some point, but rarely do spouses choose to reverse the trend of negative assumptions and replace them with assuming the best.