The symbol of the cross is found on buildings, in artwork, jewelry and gestures around the world. It is both respected and reviled. In the middle east, Isis is actively tearing down every semblance of the cross.
When we were married in 1983 it was nearly 100 degrees outside. Inside the church building, every member of the wedding party (including us!) was dripping with sweat.
Years ago we knew a retired pastor who would often suggest, “Let’s just stop and have a breath of prayer.” Something about that phrase made prayer approachable, simple, and unencumbered.
Love tells the truth and the truth must be told in love. Do you believe that? Is it true in your marriage?
What does it take to make each day count in your marriage? It’s easy in the busyness of life to let things slide by, to relegate what matters most to the shadows of our lives and let the tyranny of the urgent rule.
Who do you have cheering for your marriage? Are the voices speaking into your marriage offering words of support, encouragement, respect, wisdom, truth and hope?
As we raised our three children there were numerous times when they needed a boost of confidence from us. They trusted what we said because we knew them the best.
Recently we have had people contacting us for help in reconciling a severed relationship that has ended in either separation or divorce.
Wouldn’t you agree that most arguments happen over the dumbest things? Often there’s a misunderstanding or a careless comment that is made and later regretted—but only after the damage is done.
We have recently been astounded at how many couples we know who are choosing to end their marriage. Are you seeing the same thing? It is breaking our hearts.