Go ahead…smile! How often do you smile in a day? If you are an average adult, it’s about 20 times a day. If you are an exceptionally happy adult, your teeth may show 40-50 times a day.
Go into any group of men and women and ask them, “Who was the spiritual leader in your home growing up?” The majority of people will answer, “My mom.”
“It’s not MY fault—YOU…” and so the argument revs up as blame is passed. It’s nothing new in marriage. In fact, blame goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden.
In our work with couples, we see faltering and failing marriages because one mate has chosen to seek “greener grass” with someone else.
In 1957 the two couples pictured above said their vows before God and man committing to persevere in marriage and remain fully committed to their spouse.
Theologian Martin Luther said “Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.” Conversely, without it, why put forth the effort to even try to do something?
How safe is your marriage? Is it a refuge from the storms of life or do the storms break loose in the home? Each spouse is responsible for making the relationship safe.
What are your expectations for your marriage? Do you expect your marriage to thrive? Do you desire to grow closer to God together? Do you want to connect at ever-deeper levels as a couple?
Are you an irritable spouse? It’s easy to give ourselves a pass when we feel irritable, isn’t it? We tell ourselves, “Everyone gets cranky now and then. I’m just having one of ‘those’ days.
The character Veruca Salt was immortalized for her selfish attitude in the original “Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory” movie when she yelled, “I want it NOW!”