We love to celebrate and we make it a priority in our marriage to celebrate each other.
This is a question we run into rather frequently. Sadly, we’ve seen couples separate and divorce over this issue.
Have you wondered why we haven’t blogged much so far this year? Here’s why…
We are excited to announce an unforgettable experience for you and your spouse as you walk together where Jesus walked and visit key places in Israel.
The topic of forgiveness is one of the most searched for subjects on the Build Your Marriage website. Why?
We love to kiss. Whether it’s a quick kiss in public or a long passionate kiss in private, kissing is important to a healthy marriage.
“I want a divorce.” For six weeks this husband repeated his desire to his wife. “You’re not meeting my needs. I’m out of here.”
On Saturday one of our good friends passed away. When he left his house to go to a local store he never knew his next destination would be his heavenly home.
If we were to swing by your home and look at your bedroom closet (don’t worry!) what would we find?
Kindness and compassion are often desired and forgotten in the dailyness of marriage. Life gets busy. We may answer our spouse sharply.