When was the last time you did something for your spouse that they would never find out about? All too often when we speak, build, cook, clean, purchase, give, or initiate there can be a variety of motives behind the action.
Years ago we knew a retired pastor who would often suggest, “Let’s just stop and have a breath of prayer.” Something about that phrase made prayer approachable, simple, and unencumbered.
What does it take to make each day count in your marriage? It’s easy in the busyness of life to let things slide by, to relegate what matters most to the shadows of our lives and let the tyranny of the urgent rule.
We wonder, “How much faith is lacking regarding our marriages?” What is it, perhaps that we are failing to believe God for?
If you don’t pray for your spouse, who will? We readily talk to our spouse and about our spouse to others. But we often miss the opportunity to effect the greatest impact by talking to God on their behalf.
In our work with couples, we see faltering and failing marriages because one mate has chosen to seek “greener grass” with someone else.