We’ve recently been struck by how many times Jesus responded to people’s faith through the pages of the gospels. Here’s just a sampling:
- “When Jesus saw their faith….”
- “If you have faith….”
- “Your faith has made you well.”
- “According to your faith….”
- “O you of little faith….”
- “Because of your little faith.”
- “Have you still no faith?”
- “Have faith in God.”
This led us to wonder, “How much faith is lacking regarding our marriages?” What is it, perhaps that we are failing to believe God for?
Certainly there are all kinds of good ideas and marriage building insights on Christian websites like ours. But the foundation for a healthy marriage has to begin with our faith in God.
Here five important things to keep in mind in exercising faith in God for your marriage:
1) God is almighty
Having faith begins with a reverence for the infinite, unbounded power of a God who is personally concerned with each of us. God loves you and he is FOR your marriage!
2) Jesus desires unity in your marriage
Jesus wants you and your spouse to be one with the same unity the Trinity experiences. (imagine that! See John 17:20-21) Pray for that and believe him for it.
3) You are already victorious
When life or satan assault you financially, physically, relationally, emotionally or spiritually—take your stand together as a couple who are already victorious in Jesus. (1 Corinthians 15:17) You CAN do ALL THINGS through CHRIST who gives you strength! (Philippians 4:13)
4) You are not alone
When you feel like you are the only one fighting for your marriage, you can have faith and confidence that God is with you. What you are struggling for is in agreement with God’s will for your marriage. He promised to never leave you or forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5)
5) Align your faith with God’s desires
Pray for your marriage and for your spouse agreeing with God’s desires for your marriage. A prayer of faith may be something like this: “Dear God, I know that you ordained for marriage to be the context for a man and woman to live together. I know that you want us to experience intimacy and connectedness. You have given me the power of your Spirit within me to guide, convict, give wisdom and insight into my spouse and marriage. I am pursuing my spouse with my eyes fixed on you as the One who wants good in my marriage. You are the One who desires to bless us and I’m going to trust you for that blessing.”
How have you exercised faith in your marriage? Share it below and take confident steps with God as you build your marriage!