It is absolutely vital that you be vigilant in protecting your marriage. No one else will care as much as you for your marriage.
Brad & Heidi Mitchell
Think about your spouse. What was the first thing that came to your mind? Was it positive or negative?
It’s no secret that social media can have a dark side. A counselor friend of ours told us that of the couples he meets with who have had affairs, 90% began through contact via social media.
There is a war being waged against your marriage. This post is the first of our posts about how you can take proactive measures to guard your marriage from the enemy’s assaults.
This is the season of “Peace on earth, good will toward men,” and “Silent night, holy night.”
With the recent attacks in Paris many of us watched with horror as the toll of victims continued to rise. Stories emerged of bravery, fear, and desperate measures taken for protection.
Recently we were able to get away for a few days on a vacation. It wasn’t long, but it was refreshing individually and maritally.
He was laid off from his job. The day had started normally. He went in to meet with his boss for their weekly meeting…
When was the last time you and your spouse took the time to recount and celebrate the shared history you have together?
Have you ever done something you deeply regretted? It may be only known to you or a few others. It may have little or no effect on people around you.