According to marriage expert John Gottman, criticism is one of the best predictors of divorce. This doesn’t mean that everyone…
Brad & Heidi Mitchell
We did it. We raised three humans and launched them into the world. (Whew!) All three of our children are now married to incredible people. From our perspective we have added three more kids to the fold through marriage.
Raising teenagers can be simultaneously tremendous and tumultuous. You have the thrill of seeing your children increasingly make mature decisions…
How to spiritually nurture young children Little children are so inquisitive about life, aren’t they? There is a sense of…
How to train your children to love God This week we became grandparents! To say we are overjoyed is an…
Four foundations for Christian parenting As Christian parents our desire has been to raise our children spiritually so they would…
How to get out of a sinful relationship “We just started as really good friends.” Over and over we hear…
How to partner together to alleviate stress’ impact You are a team. You’ve been joined through a covenant of marriage….
7 Types of stress the Enemy leverages against your marriage Stress. Every marriage experiences it. And you can be sure…