Kindness and compassion are often desired and forgotten in the dailyness of marriage. Life gets busy. We may answer our spouse sharply.
We are introducing a new angle of motivation for most couples in their marriage. One of the roles each person has is to encourage their spouse to become the best person they possibly can be.
Acceptance in marriage is a key to feeling relationally safe. When we learn to communicate acceptance of our spouse we create an environment where understanding can flourish.
Over the years we’ve had the privilege of speaking several times for the Christian Law Enforcement Fellowship of San Diego’s marriage retreat.
We wish that we could report that we always feel loving toward one another. After all, we have a ministry called “Build Your Marriage.”
The Song of Solomon well describes the joy of a bedroom that is pleasant. The right atmosphere can help your sleep, intimacy, connection, and relaxation.
Celebrate your marriage with us in the Caribbean this February!
A myth is “a widely held but false belief or idea.” When we believe a myth to be true we are choosing to believe a lie.
In 1965 The Righteous Brothers first released “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’” and it quickly shot to the top of the charts in the United States and the UK.
If you were baking a chocolate cake there would be some key ingredients you would need. Most of those wouldn’t taste good by themselves (except chocolate!).