When was the last time you and your spouse took the time to recount and celebrate the shared history you have together?
Keeping love and romance fresh and alive in marriage takes intentionality and thoughtfulness. In the early years of dating, engagement, and marriage the wonder and effort poured into a relationship can seem natural.
We love weddings. Recently we attended the wedding of one of our friends’ son, Peter, and his fiance, Kristen.
How often do the two of you get away for at least one night—just the two of you? We believe taking exclusive time away can be life-giving and inject your marriage with renewed connection and intimacy.
What habits form your life? In the course of most people’s average day, a huge percentage of decisions aren’t decisions at all, but actually habits.
When our three children were little we worked with them on their table manners. Keep your elbows off the table. Don’t talk with food in your mouth. Don’t interrupt.
Ravi Zacharias writes, “Love is hard work. It is the hardest work I know of, work from which you are never entitled to take a vacation.”
As I go through 2015, I, (insert name) have resolved the following in my marriage to (insert spouse’s name).
Treasure. Pirates searched for it. Scavenger’s scour oceans for it. Bruno Mars sang about it. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote about it. Jesus taught about it.
When was the last time you gave your spouse a handwritten love note? Texts, emails, and audio texts don’t count here—our focus is using pen and paper to write a romantic note to your mate.