4 questions to test how encouraging you really are Recently we were visiting our good friends, Tom and Sara. Sara…
If we were to swing by your home and look at your bedroom closet (don’t worry!) what would we find?
Kindness and compassion are often desired and forgotten in the dailyness of marriage. Life gets busy. We may answer our spouse sharply.
Holidays can be stressful on a marriage. We WANT peace and joy, but often end up with tension and frustration.
Over the years we’ve had the privilege of speaking several times for the Christian Law Enforcement Fellowship of San Diego’s marriage retreat.
We wish that we could report that we always feel loving toward one another. After all, we have a ministry called “Build Your Marriage.”
We want to encourage you to read this post together and talk about its implications for your marriage.
The movie, “War Room,” has been capturing the hearts of millions of people with the message of hope through the power of prayer.
When was the last time you did something for your spouse that they would never find out about? All too often when we speak, build, cook, clean, purchase, give, or initiate there can be a variety of motives behind the action.
When we were married in 1983 it was nearly 100 degrees outside. Inside the church building, every member of the wedding party (including us!) was dripping with sweat.