Do you know what your spouse’s spiritual gifts are? When was the last time you two talked about your spiritual gifts? If you’re like most couples, you may not know what your gifts are, let alone your spouse’s spiritual gifts..
Learning about spiritual gifts can set you and your spouse on an exciting and new spiritual trajectory!
- You have the opportunity to learn new things about your spouse.
- You are empowered to help them grow in their relationship with Jesus.
- You can help them find a new expression of who they are in Christ.
As a result, the partnership the two of you share will deepen your intimacy with each other and with Christ.
The Apostle Paul wrote extensively about spiritual gifts beginning with this sentence: “Now about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant” (1 Corinthians 12:1). With that in mind, here’s a simple definition of a spiritual gift: “It is the divine enablement given by God through the Holy Spirit to each person when they become a follower of Jesus Christ.”
Below, you’ll find three steps you can follow with your spouse regarding spiritual gifts. You can start the process today!
1. Discover
There are some good online free inventories that you can take to get insight into what your spiritual gifts may be. Get started right away. You and your spouse can take an inventory during the week and talk about it over the weekend. Here is a link: http:/ https://bit.ly/1YnpqWX
After taking the inventories, write down the top 2-3 results. Think through the context in which you may best express your spiritual gift. For example, we both have the gift of teaching. However, we are not very good at teaching children. Our gift is best expressed when we are speaking to a larger group of adults. So, in what context are your gifts best expressed? Talk about it as a couple. Affirm them in each other.
2. Develop
Once you have some direction on what your spiritual gifts are, learn as much as you can about your gifts. Purchase books on spiritual gifts and do research on your gifts on the internet. You are a steward of the divine enablements given to you by the Spirit, so learn all you can about them.
In addition, test out the use of your gift(s) in different settings. Find the niche where you most enjoy using the gift(s) God has entrusted to you.
In your marriage, you can encourage your spouse to explore areas of ministry in which they can be effective in your local church. Do your best to free them up to serve. Give your spouse positive reinforcement and watch them flourish!
3. Deploy
The two of you may have very different spiritual gifts. That’s OK! Celebrate the uniqueness of how God has gifted each of you. Come together and talk about where you’ve seen God at work. Be sure to give him the glory for the good things that take place through the use of the abilities that he has given you. Remember, you are not only a steward of your spiritual gifts, you’re a steward of your spouse’s spiritual gifts as well.
Don’t forget, your spouse is not only God’s gift to you, but they’re also God’s gift to your church. As you strengthen each other in the use of your spiritual gifts, you will build your marriage!