If you travel for work on a regular basis, you know that the glamor quickly loses its luster. Loneliness is a frequent companion.
Every year over 34 million Americans travel domestically or internationally for work. This kind of travel can take a deep toll on any marriage.
Are you bored in your marriage? We hear this all too often in our work with couples.
Do you know what your spouse’s spiritual gifts are? When was the last time you two talked about your spiritual gifts?
Who do you have that keeps you accountable in your marriage? Do you have someone who will ask you how you have been treating your spouse?
We all get discouraged. The triggers for discouragement can come in all sizes and shapes.
Brad was raised in a family that had a farming legacy. His grandfather had a company that raised hybrid seed for corn and other crops.
On April 24, 2016, Brad’s dad passed away. Immediately, our family was brought together in a time of grief and mourning.
How do we rebuild trust after a poorly handled conflict? The first step is to own our stuff.
A myth is “a widely held but false belief or idea.” When we believe a myth to be true we are choosing to believe a lie.